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Child Heath care - Weighing a baby on a scale - 02B - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Child Heath care - Regular growth monitoring and promotion with father - 01B - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Maternal Health - Prenatal consultation - 01B - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Maternal Health - Iron-folate supplementation during pregnancy - 01B - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Child Health care - Rooming in with your newborn 0-6mo - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Child development - Parents with graduating teenage daughter - 05 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Child development - Mother reading a picture book with a child - 04 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Child development - Parents spending time with young child - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Child development - Parents teaching child to walk - 02 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Child development - Parents with newborn child - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Horticulture - Father and baby in home garden - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Responsive Care - Parents playing with baby - 02 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Counseling - Breastfeeding counseling - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - Pregnant couple joining a discussion group - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Breastfeeding - Early initiation of breastfeeding 0-6mo - 01A - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Maternal Nutrition - Pregnant woman eating a healthy meal - 01B - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Complementary feeding - Parents complementary feeding with baby - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Complementary feeding - Baby drinking water from a glass 12-24mo - 02 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
Family - Baby with mother and father - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara II
People - Pregnant woman and baby in utero - 02B - Nepal
by Suaahara II
People - Pregnant woman and baby in utero - 02A - Nepal
by Suaahara II