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Suaahara I
Maternal Health - Iron-folate supplementation after delivery - 02 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Maternal Health - Iron-folate supplementation during pregnancy - 01A - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - GALIDRAA Counseling Step 8 - Appoint - 08 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - GALIDRAA Counseling Step 7 - Agree - 07 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - GALIDRAA Counseling Step 6 - Recommend - 06 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - GALIDRAA Counseling Step 5 - Discuss - 05 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - GALIDRAA Counseling Step 4 - Identify - 04 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - GALIDRAA Counseling Step 3 - Listen - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - GALIDRAA Counseling Step 2 - Ask - 02 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - GALIDRAA Counseling Step 1 - Greet - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Father support - Father taking care of child - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Family - Parents sitting with baby - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Sanitation - Baby defecating on the ground - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Family Planning - Birth control - discussing options with counselor - 11 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Family Planning - Birth Control - condom - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Family Planning - Birth Control - injection - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Family Planning - Birth Control - IUD - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Family Planning - Birth Control - implant - 02 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Counseling - Breastfeeding counseling - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Exclusive breastfeeding 0-6 mo - 01A - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Exclusive breastfeeding 0-6 mo - 01B - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Early initiation of breastfeeding 0-6mo - 01B - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Cup feeding - Grandmother support for cup feeding - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding positions - Football hold - 05 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding positions - cradle with twins - 04 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding Positions - Double Football - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Responsive Feeding - Encouraging a child to eat - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding positions - cross cradle - 02 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding positions - Cradle - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Hygiene - Keep your nails trim - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Hygiene - Handwashing process - 05 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Sanitation - Wash foods in clean water before preparing - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Sanitation - Keep a clean food preparation area - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding pre-attachment 0-6mo - 05 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Supporting breast to promote proper attachment - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Family - Feeding a low birth weight baby - 00 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Family support for breastfeeding - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
People - Adolescent boy - 00A - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Sick Child Health - Sick child before visit to health facility - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding positions - Side Lying - 02B - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding positions - Side Lying 0-24mo - 02A - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding positions - Side Lying at Night 0-24mo - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Maternal Nutrition - Mother eating a healthy meal - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Maternal Nutrition - Family supports pregnant woman eating a healthy meal - 01A - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Complementary feeding - Parents complementary feeding with baby - 03 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Sick Child Health - Parents take a sick child to the health facility - 02B - Nepal
by Suaahara I
Sick Child Health - Taking a sick child to the health facility - 02A - Nepal
by Suaahara I
People - Pregnant woman - 01 - Nepal
by Suaahara I
People - Adolescent boy and girl - 01A - Nepal
by Suaahara I
People - Adolescent girl - 00B - Nepal
by Suaahara I
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