Bring your child to your local health facility for regular check-ups and routine immunizations.
Regular check-ups, or well-baby visits, provide an opportunity to share any concerns about your baby’s feeding, growth, development, hearing and vision.
During these check-ups, health care providers can weigh and measure your baby, monitor growth and development, and identify problems early.
Check-ups and counselling sessions are a good opportunity to discuss any questions that you have about breastfeeding, complementary feeding, and other nutrition and care issues.
Ask about your baby’s immunization schedule and make sure your baby gets all the immunizations needed to protect him or her against common childhood diseases.
You can also get vitamin A and deworming medicine for your child at your local health facility.
When you go for regular check-ups and routine immunizations for your child, ask about family planning options that would be best for you.
If you are feeling stressed and are experiencing any signs of depression or anxiety, talk to your health care provider to learn about strategies to reduce stress and fatigue, and about resources that might be available in the community.